I was one of the bridesmaids of my good friend’s wedding. It was a lovely party all around. Every couple has their own how-we-met story, and we were talking about what really brought them together. I would like to share an interesting side of the love story related to Thai believe.
I believe many of you have been to Bangkok and have heard of the Central World shopping mall in Chitlom skytrain station. When talking about Central World one of the things Thai people will think of is the Trimurti Shrine which is known as Bangkok’s Shrine of Love.
Everyone in the wedding knows the story that my friend’s sister introduced my friend Sai to her groom so they started dating, but only us bridesmaids know that before she met her husband-to be, Sai went to worship Trimurti shrine (ศาลพระตรีมูรติ) and asked to meet her soulmate within three months. The god answered her wish and Sai met her boyfriend exactly three months after that. And today they are husband and wife with one adorable son.
At the dining table in the wedding my friends and I were talking about how sacred the god of love really is. Surprisingly, all of us know someone who has worshiped the shrine and then tie the knot soon afterwards.
A good friend of mine who is now married to a Korean guy, and they have one son together. She also told me that she worshiped the Trimurti god a few weeks before she met her husband in the Bangkok MRT.

The boyfriend of my friend who was also a bridesmaid in this wedding told us that before they met, he went to make a wish from the shrine. Now they have been married for a few years and my friend just gave birth to a beautiful son.
So if you are still single and would like to welcome true love to your life, here is what you do.
- Prepare 9 red roses or a rose flower garland
- 9 red incense sticks.
- One red candle (for a single person) two red candles (for a couple who would like to tighten the relationship.)
- Sit in front of the shrine and say the prayer which is written on a stone below the shrine. Then offer the roses to the god and put the candle and incense sticks in the pot.
Photo Credit: horoscope.sanook.com/20213/
It is believed that the best time for asking wishes from the Trimurti shrine is Thursday 9:30 am or 9:30 pm. On Thursdays the shrine is always crowded, and you have to wait for your turn but this is such a small thing to do for love, isn’t it? J
If your wishes come true you have to present the gift to the god. People usually give coconut, milk, sugar cane juice and sweets.
Many believers claim Trimurti god is especially successful in matching foreign mates with Thai lovers.
About Trimurti god:
In Hinduism, Trimurti represents the three aspects of God: Brahma (the Source/Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver) and Shiva (the Transformer or Destroyer).
The deity is a gold statue of a human body with two heads and four arms. The heads are one on top of the other, and the lower head has four faces. Built in 1989, the Trimurti Shrine is on a raised platform, sheltered by a dome on four pillars with elaborately carved gables at the four sides. There’s an open area around the shrine with a ring of seats for worshippers to sit and reflect. Crafted in classical Indian sculpture with a Thai touch, the statue is a replica of the original from Ayutthaya.
However, I have read that the Trimutri situated in front of the Central World is actually five-headed Shiva but local people call the statue Trimurti.
So, if you would like to meet your match when you are in Bangkok next time why not give it a go. Please let me know the result. 🙂
Hi Mod
Is the prayers on the stone written in English?
Hi Teacher Mod,
I’m a foreigner and if my wish is granted, is there any deadline for me to go back to the shrine to send gift as appreciation?
Congratulations! I am happy for you.
There is no deadline, but it is believed that you should do it as soon as possible. Good luck!
Hi Mod,
May I know how to start the pray? Izzit lighten the candle thn burn the incense stick and pray?
hi Mod, i m worried i will pronounce the katha wrongly… would you know any website i can listen to the right pronunciations…?
appreciate greatly.
I tried to find a video online but I only found this Om Trimurati Mantra => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuxDBG2cLw4&t=22s
Hi Dear Mod.
i’m afraid i might pronounce the katha wrongly….. would you know if there is any video or voice clips on website i can download or visit to learn? i can’t seem to find any….. so thankful for your help and advice above.
Thank you!!
Been to Bangkok for few times but didn’t know it is the famous love shrine!
I need to visit there again soon!
hi, can i go there pray for my ex boy friend come back?
Hi! Many people go there to pray for having their ex back.
Hi Mod, I would like to thank Trimurti but my upcoming trip is from Saturday till Tuesday. Is it alright if the day doesn’t fall on Thursday? Also, would like to confirm you did mention we could offer coconut, milk as a appreciation, do you mean the coconut itself right? Milk in what form? In packet is it alright?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you.
Hi Siow Peng, you can go to thank Trimurti any day. As for the gift, whole coconut or milk in a package is good.
Hi Mod, not sure if the previous comment was sent out. I am from Singapore, my mum is going Bangkok next week but I’m not. Can she be the one praying for us instead? I would like to reconcile with my ex-boyfriend. All I’d like to ask for is one chance from him, to be with him happily. How can we go about it? How many candles or roses or other items should my mum be getting? How should we be praying and reciting? Please help me out. I would appreciate it very much. Thank you!
Hi! I am sorry I didn’t see your comment earlier. I hope things between you and your boyfriend are good now. Best wishes!
Hi dear.
I would like to ask if you could write the prayers of that is on the stone here in alphabetical order so that we can read it from there?
Also, let’s say I and one of my male friend are not officially together as a couple and we are just friends. But I would like to pray to hope that one day we will have a chance to be together. Should i get one candle or two candle? 🙂
Dear May,
I am afraid I can’t write the prayers for you now because I don’t remember it, and neither Pear nor I are in Bangkok right now.
If you go to pray you should use one candle.
Best wishes to you!
Dear Mod,
I’m a bit confuse about the amount of candles that I should use. Because I saw many pictures in the internet whereby everyone uses two candles. Just to make sure I’m not wrong… I have a guy that I like and we are not together yet, we are just friends now. But I have feelings for him and would like to grow into a serious relationship with him, I’m suppose to use one candle right?
Also Mod, I saw Phra Trimurti’s katha on the internet. But I’m not sure if it’s the right one as the one you read previously. I have paste it below, could you have a look if it’s the correct one?
สาธุ สาธุ สาธุ อุกาสะ ข้าแต่องค์พระตรีมูรติที่ยิ่งใหญ่ของข้าพเจ้า
ข้าพเจ้า นาย,นางสาว… (บอกชื่อ นามสกุลและที่อยู่) กราบเบื้องบาทแด่องค์
ท่านแล้ว พระองค์เคยประทานพรแด่ทวยเทพทั้งหลายผู้ปฏิบัติดีปฏิบัติชอบทั้ง
หลาย บัดนี้ข้าพเจ้ามากราบเบื้องบาทแด่พระองค์ท่านแล้ว
จึงขอพรจากพระองค์ซึ่งประทานไว้ ณ บัดนี้ (…..ขอพร….)
เตสัง อัมหากัง พรใดอันประเสริฐจงมาบังเกิดแด่ข้าพเจ้า ทีฆายุกา มหาเดชา
มหาปัญญา มหาโภคา มหายะสา มหาลาภา ปัญจวีสติ ภยันตะ ทวัตติงสะ ฉันนะวุฒิ
โรคัญจะ โสระสะ อุบัติอันตรายยัญจะ อัยยัญติกะ อันตรายยัญจะ พาหิระ
อันตรายยัญจะ วิระหิตะวา โหตุ ยาวะชีวัง พระวิสตีติ (พระตรีมูรติ)
Lord Phra Trimurti, [speaking your name and address]
Today I come to worship and deeply appreciate your kindness and blessings toward all beings. I sincerely pray for [speaking your wishes].
TEI-SANG AM-HA-KANG [May all wishes come true] THI-KHA-YU-KA MA-HA-DEI-CHA
Thank you so so much Mod!
Dear May, I am sorry for my late reply. Yes, the Katha is the right one. Single person wishing to have a partner should use only one candle.
May all your wishes come true. 🙂
Best wishes!
Thanks teacher after reading this I hope have chance to go pray
Wishing you the best of luck. 🙂
Thank you, Kruu Mod! I really enjoy every information on your website. After reading a post or watching a video I fall in love to Thailand more and more. I sure will visite this beautiful country once again, and I hope also Bangkock and some other places you tell us about! Thank you for your work! good luck!
Thank you for your kind comments Max. I am happy to hear that you enjoy my work and love my country. Wish you a great time during your next trip in Thailand! 🙂
Dear khun Mod,
So excited to learn this post. However, I’m a foreigner and can not read Thai language, how can I say the prayer which is written on a stone as you wrote?
Sawatdii ka Thuyen, it is a good question. I was thinking about the same thing after posting the article. I am afraid I don’t know how to help with this matter. I don’t know if it is ok if you only ask for wishes in English without the prayer.
How to pray its written in thai
Dear Teacher Mod,
I have red your post ready it is interesting story so, one day if I go to visit Thailand I will go there .
And please you help guide me !
Best regards,
Good luck!
Sawatdii ka Neng,
Thank you for your comment. I am happy to hear that you enjoyed my post. 🙂
Thanks for the advice. I’ll visit the shrine next time I’m in Thailand!
โชคดีนะคะ /chôok-dii ná ká/ Good luck! 🙂
Hi Mod
I have sat opposite that shrine many times just for a rest and its always been a busy place So now I know why
thank you for the information teacher Mod
Maybe I will have to change my tactic of buying an ice cream from 711 and smiling at the check out girl it never works 🙂
Sawatdii ka Mark, thank you for reading my post. I am happy to hear that your found useful information here. 🙂
Good luck! 🙂
Why dont we go together and you show me how to pray the shrine of love?
Thanks Kru Mod for you wonderful insights on the Thai culture. Since I am a farang, I will make sure to bring my Thai waanjai to the shrine the next time I am there (in 4 weeks from now).
Thank you for reading my post. Wishing you both a happy life together and have a great time in Thailand. 🙂
Why so many number 9 (NEIN means NO)?
9 red roses,
9 red incense sticks
Best time 9:30 am and 9:30 pm.
Thai people believe that number 9 is a lucky number. The pronunciation of “9” in Thai is เก้า /gâao/ which sounds the same as the word ก้าว /gâao/ that means ‘to go forward, progress, advance’.
Good to know different kind of contemplation. 🙂
Thank you very much for your very useful information.
O, Today number “9”. 🙂
I have been to this shrine many times with my girlfriend, but she did not tell me all the details above. I just figured it was another shrine she liked to visit lol
Thank you for your comment. It is nice to know that my post gave you some new information about Thailand. 🙂
I always pass it by, but never know it was shrine of love. I thought some shrine for commerce as it is so near to Central World.
Hi Teacher Mod,
Can I know if I’m a foreigner and if my wish is granted, is there any specific deadline for me to go back and send gift as appreciation ?