Can you form Thai sentences correctly? Let’s test your grammar!
I’ve created a short grammar test for you, you need to fill a blank space to complete the sentences. There are five sentences, please let me know your score out of 5 in the comments.
- Have you finished working?
kun tam-gaan___________
2. How long have you been working here?
kun tam-gaan tîi-nîi___________
3. How spicy would you like your curry?
ao ganes pèt___________
4. He was hit by a motorbike.
káo___________maw-dter-sai chon
5. There are more tourists this year.
mii nák tâwng-tîao___________ bpii níi
I have tries twice, but am to able to type my answers in either Thai, nor English, in this form.
Sawatdii ka Khun David,
Thank you for learning Thai with my lesson, and for letting me know about the issue with the comment section. I’ve checked the setting,it should be good now.