Compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning. In this lesson teacher Pear is talking about useful compound words that you can use in daily life, it can also helps you improve your vocabulary as well as makes you sound like a native Thai speaker.
Here is the list of all 12 words mentioned in the video:
- พ่อพระ /pâw prá/ = Gracious
พ่อ /pâw/ = father
พระ /prá/ = monk
2. เรื่องมาก /rûeang mâak/ = high-maintenance, picky
เรื่อง /rûeang/ = story, matter
มาก /mâak/ = a lot, very
3. ปากหอยปากปู /bpàak hŏi bpàak bpuu/ = gossiper
ปาก bpàak = mouth
หอย hŏI = clam
ปู bpuu = crab
- ปากหนัก /bpàak nàk/ = keep true feeling to oneself
ปาก bpàak = mouth
หนัก nàk = heavy
- ปากสว่าง /bpàak sà-wàang/ = have a big mouth
ปาก bpàak = mouth
สว่าง sà-wàang = bright
- หูเบา /hŭu bao/ = believe other people easily
หู /hŭu/ = ear
เบา /bao/ = lightweight
- ขัดหูขัดตา /kàt hŭu kàt dtaa/ = unpleasant to see
ขัด / kàt/ = scrub
หู /hŭu/ = ear
ตา /dtaa/ = eye
- คอแข็ง /kaw kăeng/ = heavyweight
คอ /kaw/ = neck
แข็ง / kăeng/ = hard
- คอทองแดง /kaw tawng daeng/ = heavyweight
คอ /kaw/ = neck
ทองแดง /tawng-daeng/ = copper
- มือหนึ่ง /mue nùeng/ = An expert or top-rated individual, crackerjack
มือ /mue/ = hand
หนึ่ง /nùeng/ = one
- ขายขนมจีบ / kăai kà-nŏm-jìib/ = flirt on someone
ขาย / kăai/ = sell
ขนมจีบ / kà-nŏm-jìib/ = Steamed dumpling
- ใส่หน้ากาก /sài nâa gàak/ = Pretend to be good
ใส่ sài = to wear, put on
หน้ากาก / nâa gàak/ mask
Dear Khun Pear, Excellent! You are also a very good teacher.
Kawbp khun mahk krabp,
Very helpful Pear, thank you. This is the sort of real Thai you don’t find in language books.
In the list for 8 and 9 you could add that it is for people who don’t get drunk easily. When I read ‘heavyweight’ I think of boxing more than drinking.
Excellent. Very helpful.