Like other languages, Thai has borrowed heavily from the English language. The thing is, most people don’t realise they are English words because of the way Thai people pronounce those words.
Some of the borrowed words you might have to say with a Thai accent in order for Thai people to understand. So I create this listening practice, listen to each word and try your best to guess what the word is. Then you can also repeat after what my brother and I to practice to speak like a Thai!
Please get your pen and paper out and let’s get started. 🙂
Hi, Mod!
The question is about unusual pronunciation of the words related with root-word เมล์ (รถเมล์ roht-maeh, อีเมล์ ee-maeh). Long ago I heard that Thai people (and in your lesson too) pronounce it in a way that is not according to way of writing. อีเมล์ really sounds as [อี-เม-อุ , ee-maeh-oo], รถเมล์ as [รด-เม-อุ , roht-maeh-oo ]. That is to say ล ตัวการันต์ sounds in a way something as อุ (as I can hear it). Can you explain it?
One of the best you’ve done. Loving the improved production standards. Particularly better sound.